Addiction Training

Our Addiction Training Seminar on October 14, 2023 at
Second Christian Reformed Church in Lynden was a hit!

Thirty-five people came to learn in a very personal way with presentations from Alan Muia and Sarah Wevadou from New Earth Recovery Center in Mt. Vernon, WA. We also heard from a panel of people who had experienced addiction and whose family members had been caught in addiction. The presentation is available in audio form below.

Addiction is a complex condition with many factors. In this session, you will learn about the limbic system of the brain and how it contributes to this devastating affliction.

Behavior reflects belief, so what happens when we have false beliefs? This session explores how and what we believe about ourselves, and how that impacts our life.

FASTER stands for Forgetting Priorities, Anxious, Speeding Up, Ticked Off, Exhausted, Relapse. Learn about how this scaling tool can help predict and prevent relapse.

Relationships are key in recovery, but they can go bad. This last session considers the consequences of feeling an excessive, unhealthy responsibility for another person’s life.


Summit Celebration Winter 2024


Message for Men